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جلسات حمود السمة بدون نتكلمات: Música auténtica yemení

جلسات حمود السمة بدون نتكلمات is a multimedia application available on Android that offers over 200 authentic Yemeni oud sessions by the renowned artist Hamoud Al-Semah. The app provides a continuous update of new sessions for 2023, ensuring a fresh music experience.

The app's main features include:

  • Lyrics for all songs to enhance your listening experience.
  • Control the songs through your car speakers and all Bluetooth devices.
  • Create your own favorites playlist.
  • Play songs with the camera feature.
  • Non-interruption during phone calls.
  • Search button to easily find your favorite songs.
  • Compatibility with various headphone models.

This app offers a wide range of songs, including popular tracks like "Ala Ashko Min Al-Bain," "Abu Hassan wa Ahmed," and "Atrukoni Ma'a Al-Hawa." With its extensive collection of music, جلسات حمود السمة بدون نتكلمات is the perfect choice for fans of authentic Yemeni music.

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